A Change of Perspective

How often do you ask for someone’s opinion before you make a purchase? How often do you tell someone your opinion on a product if you love it? Businesses LOVE when you share your story on why you love their product. WHY? Because it’s free advertising! Corporations spend hundreds, thousands, millions (Super Bowl Ads anyone?) […]

From The City….

Early Friday morning found me up and on the 6:15am train greeting the city skyline as we entered into downtown Chicago. The plan for the day was exploring somewhere I had not gone before; I decided to go to the Field Museum. I spent several hours wandering around the massive museum enjoying every exhibit, from […]

Waiting on the Sun to Rise

The lights are out; the neighborhood has settled down for the night. A cool breeze blows through the window screen. An owl’s cries can be heard in the distance. The house seems quiet, almost too quiet. Straining to hear a noise, anything that might give the silence away, a crash comes from downstairs, a car […]